Sharpen Your Pencils

Children's Program

Parents, we are thrilled to invite children ages 2-11 to our extraordinary Assembly kids program!

While you’re diving into inspiring adult sessions, your little ones will embark on their own exciting spiritual journey. “Sharpen Your Pencils” is an invitation for your kids to write their own chapter in God’s big story! We’ve reimagined the Assembly theme just for young minds, making big concepts accessible and exciting. Inspired by Habakkuk 2:2, we’ll guide your children to express their faith through creative, tangible activities. Kids will create their very own worship bags, filled with meaningful items they’ve made – not just crafts, but tools to engage in worship long after they return home.

Our interactive sessions will be a perfect blend of giggles and growth, where making new friends goes hand-in-hand with deepening their relationship with God. Imagine the lively conversations around the meal tables as your kids share their day’s adventures and newfound ways to connect with God. This Assembly, let’s not just sharpen pencils – let’s sharpen young minds and hearts for Jesus! Don’t let your children miss out on this amazing opportunity. Sign them up today when you register and watch their faith flourish in new, exciting ways!